Program Implementation Mechanism
The program is implemented remotely through an e-learning platform that serves talented students in all regions of the Kingdom.
Full-time: Full-time accommodation system within the host country’s residence.
- King Abdulaziz University (students)
- King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Students)
Part-time: Attendance at the program headquarters during the specified hours
Execution Headquarters
Program components
- Specialized enrichment scientific unit.
- Practical activities and scientific projects.
- Skill activity bags.
- Scientific trips or visits.
- Snacks and activities.
- Closing ceremony to showcase the projects and achievements of the students participating in the program.
Program implementation dates
The program is implemented during the summer vacation for three weeks according to the following schedule:
My birthday |
First period
from |
to |
from |
to |
24 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH |
12 Muharram 1446 AH |
June 30, 2024 |
July 18, 2024 |
Second period
15 Muharram 1446 AH
4 Safar 1446 AH
July 21, 2024
August 8, 2024
Second period for limited locations.
Program Implementation Timelines
The programs are based on teaching the (scientific curriculum) for the enrichment units by an elite group of academics at a rate of 75%, in addition to training the skill portfolios for twenty-first century skills at a rate of 25% by trainers specialized in skills training, divided into four hours per day and a total of sixty study hours as follows:
- Three hours a day for the scientific method .
- One hour per day for skill bags.
Remote Program Schedule
The programs depend on teaching the (scientific curriculum) for the enrichment units by an elite group of academics at a rate of 67% in addition to training the skill portfolios for twenty-first century skills at a rate of 33% by trainers specialized in skills training, divided into 6 hours per day and a total of 90 study hours as follows:
- Four hours a day for the scientific method.
- 2 hours per day for skill bags.
Pre- and post-test
The test targets students registered in the Mawhiba Academic Enrichment Program, and is implemented in the scientific field of the enrichment unit.
Objective of the test:
1. Knowing the student’s current academic achievement.
2. Measuring the impact of student learning resulting from participation in the program.
General instructions for the pre- and post-test:
1. There is no pass or fail grade for the test.
2. The student is not allowed to retake the test again.
Cardiac and Post-Test Schedule