Mawhiba Academic Enrichment Program test

Mawhiba Academic Enrichment Program

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About the program
King Abdulaziz and His Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity (Mawhiba) offers

The Mawhiba Academic Enrichment Program adopts enriching knowledge, raising efficiency and readiness, and building scientific and practical experiences according to international methodologies. It includes activities that focus on developing students’ personal skills, and prepare them to launch and participate effectively and distinguishedly in other programs sponsored and presented by “Mawhiba” inside and outside the Kingdom.

These programmes contribute to providing national arms that cover development needs and to be among the distinguished cadres with high efficiency in the local and global labour market.

Program features

1. Expanding students' mental and cognitive horizons and opening up horizons for building them.

2. Determine and discover the scientific field to set its future goals.

3. Developing personal and social skills and providing students with 21st century skills.

4. Providing a scientific and enriching environment that enables students to mix with their talented peers in the same age group.

5. Practicing scientific activities under the supervision of specialists to highlight their creative abilities.

6. Investing students’ time during the summer vacation.

Note :  Registration in the National Program for Giftedness Identification is a prerequisite for nomination in the program .


​​​Join the Mawhiba Academic Enrichment Program

Note: Registration for the 2024 program is open from March 6 to May 29, and will be carried out during the period indicated in the registration form.
Eligible for the program
Students of the National Program for Giftedness Identification from the third grade of primary school to the second grade of secondary school.
Registration terms 
1. The student must be of Saudi nationality or have a Saudi mother. The remaining non-Saudis will be accepted, not exceeding 10% of the total number of students.
2. The student must obtain the required score on the Mawhiba scale for multiple mental abilities according to the following table:
Level ​Stage Degree


Level 1

Third, fourth and fifth grade students Grade 1370 and above


Level 2


​​​​​​​​Students of the sixth grade of primary school and the first and second grades of middle school

Grade 1310 and above

Level 3 Third middle school and first secondary school students
3. The student must register through the Enrichment Programs Registration Portal, specify the type of program, and complete the registration stage.
4. The student must pay the financial contribution to the program in order for his/her final registration in the program to be approved, according to the following schedule:


Program registration contribution 

The program





Qualification score in the talent scale



Discount rate


Programs held in schools


Programs held in universities



I am free Part-time


400 riyals









​ ​ ​
The first From 1370 to 1499 - 1000 riyals - -
the first 1500 and above 15% 850 riyals - -
the second From 1310 to 1499 - 1000 riyals - -


400 riyals
the second 1500 and above 15% 850 riyals - -
the third From 1310 to 1499 - - 3000 riyals 1750 riyals

 500 riyals
Third 1500 and above 15% - 2550 riyals 1487.5 riyals
Partial exemption students ​150 ​ ​ ​
*The value of the financial contribution does not include the value-added tax.

*In the event that there are supporting or sponsoring entities for the enrichment programs held in some entities, the value of the financial contribution shown in the table above will be reduced. For more details, please click on the registration icon.


Request for exemption from the value of the financial contribution
You can apply for a partial exemption from the financial contribution value for registration in the programs through the registration system if you belong to one of the following categories, provided that supporting documents are attached to verify the validity of the application. 
Families registered with social security.
Affiliated with a charitable organization. 
Children of martyrs.

• Their status is proven by a legal document (insolvency document).​​​

Enrichment units
​​​​​​​​The enrichment units for this year fall under the following basic scientific tracks:
  • Medical, biological and chemical sciences.
  • Physical, Earth and Space Sciences.
  • Engineering sciences.
  • Computer Science and Applied Mathematics.
Enrichment units
Introduction to Enrichment Units - Level 3
​Introduction to Enrichment Units - English
Skill bags
M Stage Skill bag


(Third, fourth and fifth grades)

Logical thinking
2 Self confidence


(Sixth, first and second intermediate)
Moral intelligence and personal and social skills
4 Priority management


(Third middle school, first secondary school and second secondary school)

Moral reasoning and personal and social skills
6 Overcoming challenges


Program details

​​​​​​​​Program Implementation Mechanism


The program is implemented remotely through an e-learning platform that serves talented students in all regions of the Kingdom.



Full-time: Full-time accommodation system within the host country’s residence.


  • King Abdulaziz University (students) 
  • King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (Students)

Part-time: Attendance at the program headquarters during the specified hours

Execution Headquarters

Program components 

  • Specialized enrichment scientific unit.
  • Practical activities and scientific projects.
  • Skill activity bags.
  • Scientific trips or visits.
  • Snacks and activities.
  • Closing ceremony to showcase the projects and achievements of the students participating in the program.


Program implementation dates 

The program is implemented during the summer vacation for three weeks according to the following schedule:



My birthday
First period
from to from to
24 Dhu al-Hijjah 1445 AH 12 Muharram 1446 AH June 30, 2024 July 18, 2024


Second period

15 Muharram 1446 AH
4 Safar 1446 AH
July 21, 2024

August 8, 2024

* Second period for limited locations.

Program Implementation Timelines


The programs are based on teaching the (scientific curriculum) for the enrichment units by an elite group of academics at a rate of 75%, in addition to training the skill portfolios for twenty-first century skills at a rate of 25% by trainers specialized in skills training, divided into four hours per day and a total of sixty study hours as follows:

  • Three hours a day for the scientific method .
  • One hour per day for skill bags.
​​Remote Program Schedule

The programs depend on teaching the (scientific curriculum) for the enrichment units by an elite group of academics at a rate of 67% in addition to training the skill portfolios for twenty-first century skills at a rate of 33% by trainers specialized in skills training, divided into 6 hours per day and a total of 90 study hours as follows:
  • Four hours a day for the scientific method.
  • 2 hours per day for skill bags.


Pre- and post-test

The test targets students registered in the Mawhiba Academic Enrichment Program, and is implemented in the scientific field of the enrichment unit.

Objective of the test: 
1. Knowing the student’s current academic achievement.

2. Measuring the impact of student learning resulting from participation in the program.

General instructions for the pre- and post-test:
1. There is no pass or fail grade for the test.
2. The student is not allowed to retake the test again.
Cardiac and Post-Test Schedule
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